关于我们 About Us
Since 1993, Ah Yip has been a pioneer in the culinary world, meticulously crafting extraordinary stews. From the very beginning, we have been committed to using fresh, premium medicinal herbs and ingredients, reflecting our dedication to delicious and nutritious soup offerings. Today, let's savor the renowned stews from Ah Yip and experience the traditional and healthy flavors.
Since 1993, Ah Yip has been a pioneer in the culinary world, meticulously crafting extraordinary stews. From the very beginning, we have been committed to using fresh, premium medicinal herbs and ingredients, reflecting our dedication to delicious and nutritious soup offerings. Today, let's savor the renowned stews from Ah Yip and experience the traditional and healthy flavors.
自1993年首家以炖汤闻名的餐馆成立以来, 《阿業靓汤》一直坚持传承“汤” 的优美饮食文化,务必做到精益求精。 每一盅送上餐桌的炖汤,都是选用 上等食材,优质药材及原盅炖煮的 靓炖汤,诚意十足。
Ever since Ah Yip started his first Herbal Soup restaurant in 1993, he continues to use fresh and good grade herbal ingredients to provide soups that taste good and nutritious.