条款及条件 Terms & Conditions
1.1 我们的网站由以下人员提供给您 阿業靓汤,一家在马来西亚注册的公司,注册号为 199701003313 (418809-U)。在整个网站中,术语“我们”和“我们的”均指公司。我们的注册 办事处位于 2, Jalan Seri Cheras 3, Taman Seri Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Selangor。
1.2 我们可以随时通过更新我们网站上显示的条款来更改这些条款,恕不另行通知。您有责 任在每次进入我们的网站时查看我们的网站条款,以确保您了解我们的最新条款和条件。 您在更改后使用我们的网站即表示您接受修订后的条款。
2.1 您,作为我们网站的用户(在本网站上称为“您”、“您的”和“您自己”),可以将我们的网站用于您自己的个人非商业用途。
2.2 您不得使用或促使他人使用任何自动化系统或软件从我们的网站提取内容或数据,除非您或任何适用的第三方已与我们签订书面协议明确允许此类活动。
3.1 隐私政策请参阅本页
4.1 我们仅对因我们违反这些条款而直接导致您因使用我们网站而遭受的损失承担责任。 我们不对任何间接、特殊、偶然或后果性损害或损失或您可能遭受的任何业务损失负责,包 括但不限于数据丢失、利润损失或业务中断。
4.2 您承认我们不能保证我们的网站将:
a) 保持不变,因为我们可能会更改或删除它,或者需要注册或收费才能访问它;
b) 与您可能使用的所有或任何硬件或软件兼容;
c) 随时或在任何特定时间可用;
d) 准确且最新;或者
e) 无错误或无病毒、电子错误、特洛伊木马或其他有害成分,您必须采取相应的预防措施。
4.3 您还承认
a) 我们无法保证我们网站的速度或安全性;和
b) 在法律允许的最大范围内,对于您因可追溯到我们网站的任何病毒攻击而直接或间接遭 受的任何损害或损失,我们概不负责。
c) 所有成功的订单和交易均不可退款,除非出现双重付款等不可预见的付款问题。
5.1 当您访问我们的网站或向我们发送电子邮件时,您正在与我们进行电子通信。这样做, 即表示您同意以电子方式接收我们的通信。我们将通过电子邮件或在我们的网站上发布通 知与您沟通。
5.2 您同意我们以电子方式向您提供的所有协议、通知、披露和其他通信均满足此类通信 必须采用书面形式的任何法律要求。
6.1我们网站上的所有文本、图像、图形、动画、视频、音乐、声音和其他材料(“材料”)均受 阿業靓汤、其附属公司及其许可方的版权和其他知识产权的保护 阿業靓汤 拥有该评选的 版权,材料的协调和安排。任何材料均不得复制用于商业用途或分发,也不得修改或重新发 布到其他网站。
7.1 我们保留 https://www.ahyipherbalsoup.com.my/ 域名以及所有相关域和子域的所有权利, 我们的徽标和服务标记、品牌名称、商号和/或出现在我们网站上的商标。我们网站上提到 的其他商标、产品和公司名称可能是其各自所有者或许可方的商标,此类标记的权利保留 给其各自所有者或许可方。
7.2 这些条款中的任何内容均不应被解释为授予使用任何此类商标或域名的任何许可或权利。
8.1 您的个人数据的隐私对我们很重要。请参阅构成这些条款一部分的我们的隐私政策,了解我们如何处理您的个人数据的详细信息。
9.1 请参阅我们的运输和交付了解更多详情。
10.1 请参阅我们的保修了解更多详情。
11.1 您可以出于非商业目的链接到我们网站的任何页面,前提是您以公平合法的方式进行 链接,并且不会损害或利用我们的声誉。
11.2 您不得以暗示我们存在任何形式的关联、批准或认可的方式链接到我们的网站(如果 我们不存在任何形式的关联、批准或认可)。
11.3 您不得以任何方式删除、掩盖或修改我们网站上的任何广告、版权声明或其他信息。我 们的网站不得被任何其他网站所框架。
11.4 如果您想出于商业目的或上述未包含的任何目的链接到我们的网站,请使用以下详细 信息与我们联系。
11.5 我们保留随时撤销链接许可的权利,恕不另行通知。
我们对 cookie 的使用
12.1 我们的网站使用 cookie。请参阅我们的 Cookie 政策(该政策构成这些条款的一部分)以了解更多详细信息。
13.1 如果您对我们的网站有疑问或投诉,您应通过 [email protected] 联系 我们的客户服务部门,我们将尽力尽快回答您的疑问或解决任何投诉。
14.1 您同意就任何及所有第三方索赔、责任、损害和/或费用(包括但不限于因您使用我们 的网站或违反这些条款和条件而产生的法律费用)。
1.1 Our Website is provided to you by Ah Yip Herbal Soup, a company registered in Malaysia under registration number 199701003313 (418809-U). Throughout the site, the terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the Company. Our registered office is at 2, Jalan Seri Cheras 3, Taman Seri Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Selangor.
1.2 We may change these terms at any time without notice by updating the terms shown on our Website. It is your responsibility to review our Website terms each time you enter our Website to ensure you are aware of our latest terms and conditions. Your use of our Website after a change has been made signifies your acceptance of the revised terms.
Using our website
2.1 You, as the user of our Website (hereby referred to on this site as “you,” “your,” and “yourself”), can use our Website for your own personal non-commercial use.
2.2 You are not permitted to use, or cause others to use, any automated system or software to extract content or data from our Website except in cases where you or any applicable third party has entered into a written agreement with us that expressly permits such activity.
Privacy policy
3.1 Please refer to this page for Privacy Policy
Risk and liability
4.1 We are only liable to you in connection with your use of our Website for losses which you suffer as a direct result of our breach of these terms. We shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage or loss or for any business losses that you may incur, including but not limited to lost data, lost profits or business interruption.
4.2 You acknowledge that we cannot guarantee that our Website will:
a) stay the same as we might change or remove it or make access to it subject to registration or charges;
b) be compatible with all or any hardware or software which you may use;
c) be available all the time or at any specific time;
d) be accurate and up to date; or
e) be error-free or free of viruses, electronic bugs, Trojan horses or other harmful components and you must take your own precautions accordingly.
4.3 You also acknowledge that
a) we cannot guarantee the speed or security of our Website; and
b) we will not be responsible for any damage or loss you may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of any virus attack that can be traced to our Website to the fullest extent permissible by law.
c) All successful orders and transactions are non – refundable except for unforeseen payment issues such as double payments.
Electronic communication
5.1 When you visit our Website, or send us e-mails, you are communicating with us electronically. In doing so, you consent to receive communications from us
electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on our Website.
5.2 You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing.
Intellectual property
6.1 All text, images, graphics, animation, videos, music, sounds and other materials on our Website (“Materials”) are subject to the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of Ah Yip Herbal Soup, its affiliated companies and its licensors Ah Yip Herbal Soup owns the copyrights in the selection, coordination and arrangement of the Materials. Any of the Materials may be neither copied for commercial use or distribution nor modified or reposted to other sites.
7.1 We reserve all Rights in and to the https://www.ahyipherbalsoup.com.my/ domain name and all related domains and sub-domains, our logo and our service marks, brand names, trading names and/or trademarks appearing on our Website. Other trademarks, products and company names mentioned on our Website may be the trademarks of their respective owners or licensors and the Rights in such marks are reserved to their respective owners or licensors.
7.2 Nothing in these terms should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any such trademark or domain name.
Your privacy
8.1 The privacy of your personal data is important to us. Please see our Privacy Policy which forms part of these terms, for details of how we will process your personal data.
Shipping and delivery
9.1 Please see our Shipping and Delivery for further details.
10.1 Please see our Warranty for further details.
Linking to our website
11.1 You may link to any page of our Website, for non-commercial purposes provided that you do so in a way that is fair and legal and which does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.
11.2 You must not link to our Website in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.
11.3 You must not remove, obscure or modify in anyway any advertisements, copyright notice, or other information on our Website. Our Website must not be framed on any other site.
11.4 If you would like to link to our Website for commercial purposes or any purpose not included above, please contact us using the details below.
11.5 We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission at any time and without notice.
Our use of cookies
12.1 Our Website uses cookies. Please see our Cookie Policy, which forms part of these terms, for further details.
Enquiries and complaints
13.1 If you have an enquiry or complaint about our Website, you should contact our customer services department at [email protected] and we will try to answer your enquiry or resolve any complaint as soon as possible.
14.1 You agree to indemnify, defend, hold harmless its directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, and affiliates, from any and all third party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use of our Website or your breach of these Terms and Conditions.